Every day, we strive to create delicious and nutritious food for you and your family, and we know that part of nourishing people, is nourishing our planet too. That’s why Kashi is committed to using sustainable practices that will have a positive impact on the environment.
Understanding Food and Climate Change
greenhouse gases.
Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that occur naturally or are man-made. These gases include carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.*
Carbon, which is the most common greenhouse gas, traps the sun’s heat in the atmosphere which creates the “Greenhouse Effect”. This increase in temperature causes changes in weather patterns, which is also called climate change.
One third of greenhouse gas emissions** are caused by the food industry. We know it is our ethical duty to use sustainable practices to minimize our impact.
A carbon offset is a certified program that captures and destroys carbon dioxide from the universe to help reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Source:*Antea Environmental Consulting Firm **UN News
Lots of places! You might be familiar with carbon emissions from cars, planes, or power plants, but it also comes from food waste, water use, and certain farming practices too.
It’s the measurement of carbon created from a person or company’s actions. For example, a typical car makes about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. One way to reduce this is by walking or biking for short trips.
Source:* US Environmental Protection Agency
It’s the balance of carbon released with the carbon that’s captured by a person or company. People and companies can do this by first lowering the amount of carbon they create through their actions, and then finding ways to pull carbon out of the air, like planting trees, carbon farming, or other techniques.
Being planet positive means making choices that lower our company’s impact on climate change. We’ve started our journey toward carbon neutrality by measuring the amount of emissions created at the plants where all our foods are made. That includes emissions made from:
- The energy used to make and store our food and their ingredients
- Any waste made in making our foods
We then invested in renewable energy projects and programs in the US that remove that same amount of emissions from going in the air. These projects pull methane gas out of landfills and use it to create electricity that helps power 1,600 homes and heat a local hospital.